E-mail: a_troshkova@mail.ru Tel.: +7 (8362) 68-80-02,
32a, Leninsky 1, Lenina sq., Yoshkar-Ola, 424000, Mari El Republic, Russian Federation
Senior lecturer, postgraduate student, Mari State University
The research reported in this paper is supported by the grant of the Russian Foundation for Basic Research project No. 18–312–00028/18.
The purpose of the study is to present a comparative analysis and evolution of plot No. 325 “The Magician and his Pupil” in the international catalogues by A. Aarne (1910), Aarne-Thompson (1928 and 1961) and G. Uther (2004), as well as 325 in the national (Russian) catalogues by N. P. Andreev and L. G. Barag, K. P. Kabashnikov and N. V. Novikov (Comparative index of plots: East-Slavic folk-tale). The research leads the author to the following conclusions: 1) the analysis of plot No. 325, starting with the first international catalogue by Aarne (1910) and ending with its latest version by G. Uther (2004), shows the evolution of its plot, the complexity of its scientific apparatus, as well as the wide area of its distribution which confirms the fact of the typological similarity of the plot variants; 2) the study of ATU 325 motifs in Thompson’s catalogue (1961) shows the necessity to introduce a clearer definition of the notion “motif” in the tradition of international catalogues, as well as the unification of its motifs for a clearer description of a fairy tale type; 3) based on the latest achievements of folklore studies in the field of fairy tale research, it becomes necessary to check and update the national catalogue Comparative index of plots: East-Slavic folk-tale, include more modern materials on the study of this plot type, add such sections as Contaminations, Remarks and Literature / Variants after each plot description; 4) a comparative analysis allows us to clarify some points in Plot No. 325 ‘Crafty lore’ (‘The Magician And his Pupil’).
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Troshkova A.O. Plot CIP 325 Crafty Lore / ATU 325 «The Magician and His Pupil» in Catalogues of Tale Types by A. Aarne (1910), Aarne — Thompson (1928, 1961), G. Uther (2004), N. P. Andreev (1929) and L. G. Barag (1979). Traditional culture. 2019. Vol. 20. No. 5. Pp. 85—88. In Russian.