Plot 510A “Cinderella” in the Russian Tradition: Folklore Tale and Literary Influence

Key words
Cinderella, folklore and literature, contamination of plot types, identification of a girl by a shoe
Varvara E. Dobrovolskaya
About the Author
E-mail: Tel.: +7 (342) 212-60-08 33
1, Sadovnicheskaya str., Moscow, 117997, Russian Federation
PhD in Philology, Associate Professor of the Department of General and Slavic Art Studies of the Institute of Slavic Culture of the Kosygin Russian State University (Technologies. Design. Art)
Date of publication

This paper examines how plot type 510A, “Cinderella”, functions in the Russian fairy tale tradition. An analysis of the texts at our disposal shows that we can distinguish three groups in the corpus of texts. The first includes fairy tales that correspond to a greater or lesser extent to the plot scheme 510 and do not have an obvious literary influence. The second group consists of texts representing fairy tales that have been influenced to some degree by the fairy tales of Charles Perrault or the Brothers Grimm. Finally, the third group consists of texts representing contamination of types SUS 511 and 510A, as well as 409. In some cases, we can also talk about the influence of written texts and non-Russian ethnic traditions on these texts. Analysis of the texts shows that the Russian fairy tale tradition in relation to the SUS 510A plot type is practically free of literary influence, although it is open to contamination by other plot types and at the same time can also exist independently


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For citation

Dobrovolskaya V.E. Plot 510A “Cinderella” in the Russian Tradition: Folklore Tale and Literary Influence. Traditional Culture. 2024. Vol. 25. No. 2. Pp. 24–35. In Russian.