«Охотничайте, пашите, сейте»: русские старообрядцы в Китае и их исход

Key words
Old Believers, bespopovtsy, popovtsy, Russian Old Believers communities in China, Russian immigration to America
Хисамутдинов А. А.
About the Author
Хисамутдинов Амир Александрович - доктор исторических наук, профессор Дальневосточного федерального университета (г. Владивосток); e-mail: khisamut@yahoo.com

This article is about Russian Old Believers life in China (Harbinese and Sinzhianese) and their escape to America. It describes how these communities sprang up in China, their activities (agriculture and hunting), family life, education and culture, keeping the Russian language and religion (bespopovtsy — without priests, and popovtsy — with priests). It also provides information about Russian Americans helping Old Believers to emigrate to America.