Key words
Western Pomorje, bylina, canto
About the Author
Tel.: +7 (812) 328-19-01
4, emb. Makarova, St. Petersburg, 199034, Russian Federation
Senior researcher, department of Russian Folklore, Institute of Russian Literature (Pushkin House),
Russian Academy of Sciences

As an independent specimen, a “bylina” epic song about “Tury” (the Aurochs) was recorded only in Western Pomerana. It was documented four times with melodies. Two of them were recorded aurally in 1901 by A. L. Maslov in a village named Varsuta (Terskiy coast of the White Sea), the third one was recorded in 1909 to a phonograph by A. V. Markov in a village named Sumskoy Posad (Pomorskiy coast of the White Sea) and then notated by A. L. Maslov. The fourth record was accomplished in 1977 by an expedition of the Folklore Department of the Institute of Russian Literature in a village named Virma (Pomorskiy coast of the White Sea). Three early records (of 1901 and 1909) match to each other from the perspective of structure. They all are one-strophe-cantos connected with the late epic style. A special feature of this style is, according to E. V. Gippius, a tight intonation crossing and interweaving of universalized dance and epic cantos. This style was popular in the 18th century; it was the same for different regions of Russia. Apparently, we should consider the latest city skomorokhs to be main bearers of the style. The forth canto distinguishes itself by its complicated structure. It hasn’t got straight parallels with cantos of northern Russian “bylinas” , it contrasts to cantos of local ballades, and it differs from cantos of epic spiritual poems widely distributed in the Russian North. Some features of song intoning are revealed in its melody composition, and correlation with canto-declamation forms is also significant. Unfortunately, the canto was recorded only once. Probably, it backs to spiritual lyrics which can be related both with oral and written traditions. This problem, however, still demands of a separate study.


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