E-mail: anigumnov@mail.ru
Tel.: +7 (3012) 43-46-25
6, Sakhyanovoy str., Ulan-Ude, 670047, Russian Federation
Full Professor (Philology), senior researcher, Department of Literature and Folklore Studies,
Institute for Mongolian, Buddhist and Tibetan Studies, Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy
of Sciences
The paper deals with the problem of described object in Russian historical songs. Generalized model of reality, depicted in the songs, consists of five private spheres, addressing to: 1) etiquette and ritual plane of reality; 2) vital-existential problematic of reality; 3) world of social relations, in which singers and characters are involved; 4) flow of events depicted in all its turns and suggestive elements; 5) specific historical details. Reality obtains a double onthologic status: it is both real life and fictive, imagined reality, which simulates the actual one. Description of the proposed model is a structured (non-systematic) index of allomotifs in Russian historical songs from the 13th — the 17th centuries. Allomotif is understood as a “concrete manifestation of a subject, an object, their relations, attributes, spatial and other exponents”. Allomotifs are assorted into 8 rubrics on the 1st highest level, with following rubrication down to the 4th lowest layer. Rubrics of the 1st level are: I) Allomotifs, that model etiological and cosmic meaning of the event; II) Allomotifs, that model social relations without significant conflicts; III) Allomotifs, that model social stratification; IV) Allomotifs, that model severe conflicts in social relations; V) Allomotifs, that model satisfaction or violation of group social interests; VI) Allomotifs, that model interpersonal and kindred social relations; VII) Allomotifs, that model situations, which are vitally important for a given character; VIII) Emotional reactions, resistance, presentiments, fortune-telling. The paper ends with preliminary conclusions. Even if the Russian historical song did not reveal entire historical reality with all its unique events, it has modeled the world of social relations more completely than other adjoining genres: bylina epics, ballades, Ukrainian duma epics, and thus obtained possibility to infix concrete historical impressions of its creators.
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