E-mail: agkuleshov@yandex.ru
Tel.: +7 (499) 245-22-05
6, Turchaninov side-str., Moscow, 119034, Russian Federation;
PhD (Arts), leading researcher, Scholarly-Methodic department, State Republican Center of Russian
Folklore of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation
A range of images of traditional Russian clay toys is very diverse. It includes individual figures of animals and birds (they form a majority of topics) and human figures (so-called peasant-wives and madams, cavalier horseback, peasants). Female figures provide an interes- ting visualization of folk clothing, more widely — about the costume suit, which appeared in the 19th −20th century (clothing of male figures is more monotonous and repeated). Access to the Russian clay toys as a sources, conducted by the experts on folk costume, is attractive to some extents, although preference is given usually to the originals themselves. A toy by its very nature presents more conditional, generalized and still more variable, mixed figurative transformations of the costume. However, the toy allows to trace not only the general evolution of the costume complex, but certain important details, their originality and local particularities, the specifics of color and ornamental solutions, which are essential for studies on traditional folk clothing.
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