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Key words
riddle, oral tradition, performer, folklore formula, folklore of the Komi.
About the Author

E-mail: svetlananiz@mail.ru
Tel.: +7 (8212) 20-17-02
26, Kommunisticheskaya str., Syktyvkar, 167982, Komi Repablic, Russian Federation
Researcher, secretary, Folklore department, Institute of Language, Literature and History of Komi
Scientic Center of the Uralic Division, Russian Academy of Sciences

In the paper the author considers Komi riddles, which are recorded from a single performer, a war captive named Mikhail Zhikin, and form an entire text corpus over 300 items. The personality of the oral tradition carrier has drawn attention of researchers long ago. Singers of bylina epics and storytellers of folk tale received special attention, folklore researchers didn’t ignore lamenters and craft masters of incantations and charms. But almost nothing has been known about talented performers or creators of riddles. There in the Komi oral folklore tradition such an interesting and extraordinary performer has appeared and his individual repertoire has been recorded and published in its integrity. Therefore materials which have got to a field of our sight, represent undoubted interest for studies.


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