Kliment Vasilyevich Kvitka: Commentary on His Biography (From Printed and Archival Sources)

Key words
Kliment Kvitka, biography (1950), scholarly commentary, archival documents
Elena V. Biteriakova
About the Author
E-mail: elena-biteryakova@yandex.ru Tel.: +7 (495) 629-67-11
13-6, Bolshaya Nikitskaya str., Moscow, 125009, Russian Federation
PhD in Аrts, Senior Researcher, Kliment Kvitka Folk Music Research Centre, Tchaikovsky Moscow State Conservatory
Date of publication

This publication presents a biography of Kliment Kvitka, based on several sources including: (1) the dictionary article by Lidiya B. Arkhimovich (1950); (2) Kvitka’s comments and clarifications of this article, preserved in the fund of the Maksim F. Rylsky Institute of Art History, Folklore and Ethnology (IIFE) of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (published in 1989 by Valentina V. Kuzik); and (3) Kvitka’s draft notes to the same article, kept at the Russian National Museum of Music (RNMM). Combining information from these sources results in a more detailed biography of the scholar that contains previously unknown facts reported by Kvitka himself. This new information contributes to a more complete biography of this outstanding twentieth-century ethnomusicologist.


Lukanyuk B. S. (2010) Prichinki do bіografіi Klimenta Kvіtki: Tak koli і de narodivsya Kliment Kvіtka? [Additions to the Biography of Kliment Kvitka: So When and Where was Kliment Kvitka Born?] In: Narodna tvorchіst’ ukraїntsіv u prostorі ta chasі: Materіali mizhnarodnoї naukovoї konferentsії v ramkakh VI Mіzhnarodnogo festivalyu ukraїns’kogo fol’kloru «Bereginya» [Folk Art of Ukrainians in Space and Time: Materials of the International Scientific Conference Within the Framework of the VI International Festival of Ukrainian Folklore “Bereginya”]. Luts’k: Teren: Pp. 85–99. In Ukrainian.

Sviridova I. K. (ed.) (1966) Kabinet narodnoi muzyki [Cabinet of Folk Music]. Ed. by I. K. Sviridova. Moscow: Muzyka. In Russian.

For citation

Biteriakova E. V. Kliment Vasilyevich Kvitka: Commentary on His Biography (From Printed and Archival Sources). Traditional Culture. 2024. Vol. 25. No. 4. Pp. 148–159. In Russian.