On Kalmyk Tongue Twisters

Key words
Kalmyks children’s folklore, tongue twister, sounds, nonsense, classification of tongue twisters.
Tamara G. Basangova
About the Author
E-mail: basangova49@yandex.ru Tel.: +7 (84722) 4-10-05
1, Pushkin str., Elista, 358000, Russian Federation
DSc in Philology, Head of the Sector of the International Scholarly Research Center “Oirats and Kalmyks in Eurasian Space,” B. B. Gorodovikov Kalmyk State University
Date of publication

This article is devoted to a little studied genre of Kalmyk children’s folklore — tongue twisters. It defines their generic features and considers the derivation of the genre’s designations from folk terminology, which include: zhora ugmud (fast words), kelnә eedrә һаrһdg ugmud (words that eliminate stuttering), and darzhngud (to speak quickly, to chatter). Some groups of tongue twisters are classified according to the functional principle, and some by their syntactic construction. This approach is based on the genre theory developed in Russian scholarship on folklore and employs comparative-historical and comparative-typological research methods.


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For citation

Basangova T. G. On Kalmyk Tongue Twisters. Traditional Culture. 2022. Vol. 23. No. 3. Pp. 118–123. In Russian.