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Key words
Evenks, traditional culture, reindeer breeding, a national holiday, rituals and ceremonies
About the Author
E-mail: daroma_20@mail.ru
Tel.: +7 (812) 570-58-15
4–1, Inzhenernaya str., St. Petersburg, 191186, Russian Federation
PhD (History), researcher, Department of Ethnography of the Peoples of Siberia and the Far East,
Russian Museum of Ethnography

 This paper presents results of field research, conducted by the author in May, 2000 and in July, 2003 in Iengra the village of Neryungri district, Sakha Republics (Yakutia) of the Russian Federation, that is inhabited by the Evenk minority. Evenks reside at 14 districts of the Yakutia Republic, but their native language and culture are maintained more entirely only in two of them, namely Olekminsk and Neryungri districts. However cultural heritage of ancestors of the Evenks remains threatened by destruction constantly even there. IengraEvenks face with active industrial development of the area, therefore they are forced to cut down reindeer pastures and livestock of the cattle. Such negative trends have caused waste of own cultures and oblivion of the native language by ethnic minorities. There in Iengra a new holiday named Ikenipke (“Wild rosemary florescence”) has been held since 1993. This feast has gathered the Evenk inhabitants of the Sakha Republic for over two decades. Celebration helps to preserve spiritual and ritual culture of reindeer-breeders in southern Yakutia, making this village the center of the Evenk culture in the Sakha Republic (Yakutia). Thanks to it, certain ceremonies and rituals, which are based on traditional culture, demonstrate closeness with local nature, but get supplemented by innovations, relevant for the present time. Such events obviously provide multiple functions, including educational, namely transmission of ethnic experience to the younger generation. The Evenk summer holiday Ikenipke, which incorporates traditional cultural heritage and performance innovations, is described in its peculiarities. The author has made an attempt to analyze importance of national holidays for the identity construction by modern native carriers of the Evenk traditional culture.


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