E-mail: yagafova@yandex.ru Tel.: +7 (846) 207-88-77
59, M. Gorky str., Samara, 443099, Russian Federation
DSc in History, Professor, Head, Department of Philosophy, History and Theory of World Culture and Art, Samara State University of Social Sciences and Education
The research was funded by the Russian Science Foundation Grant No. 23-28-00018, https://rscf.ru/project/23-28-00018/
This article examines the representation of the festive and ritual culture of the Chuvash on the Internet in order to determine the relationship between real events of ethnic culture and their virtual projections. In modern conditions ethnic communities actively use cyberspace to represent their cultural heritage, including holidays and rituals; this necessitates studying the causes, forms and consequences of the “virtualization” of this sphere of culture. This article analyzes the practices of presenting calendar holidays and rituals on global network web platforms and the experience of carrying them out in an online format. It uses materials from various Internet platforms, including YouTube and RuTube, the social networks VKontakte and Odnoklassniki, portals of government agencies, public organizations, and the media. The study shows that in representing the festive and ritual culture of the Chuvash in virtual space, two trends are observable: first, the use of web platforms for projecting real events in cyberspace; and second, the transformation of cyberspace into a platform for the corresponding holiday or ritual. In this case, we can trace the transformation of the main, spatial, temporal, actional, and attributive characteristics of the holiday/ritual. The shift of these phenomena into virtual space expands the number of participants, erases spatial and temporal boundaries, stimulates the creation of new forms and ways of representing significant elements of the ritual/holiday, and facilitates communication between the organizers and participants of the action. An online holiday is an effective means of updating ethnicity.
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