Healing Spells and Incantations in the Folklore of the Mongolian Peoples

Key words
folklore, Mongolian peoples, healing spells, incantations, rituals, elimination of disease, field notes
Ludmila S. Dampilova, Evdokia E. Khabunova, Balzira V. Elbikova, Chuluun Zaayaasuren
About the Author
Ludmila S. Dampilova
E-mail: dampilova_luda@rambler.ru Тel.: +7 (3012) 43-35-51
11, Pushkin str., Elista, 358000, Russian Federation
6, Sakhyanov str., Ulan-Ude, 670047, Russian Federation
PhD in Philology, Visiting Researcher, Gorodovikov Kalmyk State University;
Chief Researcher, Associate Institute for Mongolian, Buddhist and Tibetan Studies, Siberian Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences

Evdokia E. Khabunova
E-mail: khabunova@mail.ru Тel.: +7 (84722) 5-08-10
11, Pushkin str., Elista, 358000, Russian Federation
PhD in Philology, Professor, Gorodovikov Kalmyk State University

Balzira V. Elbikova
E-mail: elbikova91@mail.ru Тel.: +7 (84722) 5-08-10
11, Pushkin str., Elista, 358000, Russian Federation
PhD in Philology, Researcher, Gorodovikov Kalmyk State University

Chuluun Zaayaasuren
E-mail: zayasuren_ch@yahoo.com
54a, Zhukov av., Ulaanbaatar, 13330, Mongolia PhD in Philology,
Research Associate, Department for Folklore Studies, Institute of Language and Literature, Mongolian Academy of Sciences
Date of publication

The research was supported by a grant from the Russian Science Foundation (project No. 23-28-00336).


This article is the first to compare the spells (zagovory) used by Mongolian peoples for healing. Analyzed are materials collected in the Republic of Buryatia, the Republic of Kalmykia and Mongolia (MPR) in 2023 as part of the project “Folklore of the Mongolian Peoples — A Source of Empirical Knowledge About Human Health and Traditional Medical Practice.” Along with traditional healing practices, the article analyzes the verbal component of traditional medicine. It examines both short and detailed incantations, both of a general nature and those concerning specific diseases. Incantations reflect folk knowledge about human health, the causes of diseases and methods of treatment. During analysis of the verbal material, the authors found a unified semantic basis for Mongolian incantations. They establish that magical


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For citation

Dampilova L. S., Khabunova E. E., Elbikova B. V., Zaayaasuren Ch. Healing Spells and Incantations in the Folklore of the Mongolian Peoples. Traditional Culture. 2024. Vol. 25. No. 4. Pp. 33–42. In Russian.