Folklore Motifs of Narrative and Non-Narrative Genres: The Practice of Compiling Indexes of Plots and Motifs

Key words
motifs, “small” folklore forms, mythological stories, index of plots and motifs
Ludmila N. Vinogradova
About the Author
E-mail: Tel.: +7 (495) 938-17-80
32a, Leninskii av., Moscow, 119334, Russian Federation
DSc in Philology, Leading Researcher, Department of Ethnolinguistics and Folklore, Institute of Slavic Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Date of publication

This article examines the issue of what meaning is put into the concept of “motif” by the compilers of indexes of the semantic units of various genres of folkloric texts. The whole history of the study of the folkloric motif has been devoted to traditional texts of narrative genres; as for so-called non-narrative motifs, which form the basis of the “small” genres of folklore (beliefs, charms, dream interpretation, etc.), it remains unclear how to isolate them from the textual structure. In addition to narrative motifs, there may be formulas which carry the meaning of imperative orders, threats, or curses, and there are also other ways of expressing the semantics of prompting to action, including incantation; magical dialogues; texts with the motif of “decreasing count,” etc. Accordingly, all these varieties of textual structure should have their own special ways of isolating motifs for the purposes of cataloging them. Using the example of Russian indexes of mythological stories and “small” folklore forms, the author shows how the structural and semantic characteristics of the motifs of narrative stories and non-narrative genres diverge, and comes to the conclusion that folklorist-practitioners, when systematizing accumulated texts, may become hampered by the terminological limits of “plot — motif.” It seems that some additional units of a structural and semantic nature are needed.


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For citation

Vinogradova L. N. Folklore Motifs of Narrative and Non-Narrative Genres: The Practice of Compiling Indexes of Plots and Motifs. Traditional Culture. 2022. Vol. 23. No. 1. Pp. 155–163. In Russian.