Folklore Collections and Archives: Problems of Preservation and Perspectives of Development

Key words
traditional culture, folklore, folklore collection, principles of text publication, folklore archive, expeditions
Alexandr V. Chernykh
About the Author
E-mail: Tel.: +7 (3422) 212-70-19
13a, Lenina str., Perm, 614090, Russian Federation
DSc in History, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Head of the Ethnological Research Sector, Department of History, Archaeology and Ethnography, Perm Federal Research Center, Ural Division of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Date of publication

The research was carried out within the framework of the project of the Russian Foundation for Basic Research, grant No. 20–012–00416, “A Folklore Archive: The Principles of Storage, Systematization and Publication of Expeditionary Materials.”


This article considers the problems that now exist in Russian folklore collections and archives including: issues concerning the archiving of expeditionary materials and their preprocessing, given their growing number; the status and activities of folklore archives; the preservation of folklore materials; the availability of archival funds; and the existence of personal archives. As an example, the peculiarities of the situation in one Russian region — Perm — are examined. Despite multi-year active expeditionary activity, there is no archiving of materials and there are no existing folklore and ethnographic archives except at Perm State National Research University. The author notes that there is no reasonable possibility of a fast solution to these problems and there is no single way to work them out, but suggests several approaches and priority tasks. For many archives, the main task consists in their institutionalization, i. e. gaining or strengthening their status in the official structure of an institution. One real step toward the preservation of folklore collections is seen as collaboration with state archival institutions. The creation of electronic archives and databases on the Internet has become quite popular during recent decades, while traditional publications of archival folklore materials continue to exist. Another aspect of the existing problems consists in the scholarly community’s position on this issue. Folklore archives should be viewed as a social phenomenon aimed at the preservation of the ethno-cultural heritage. The professional community should formulate its position and actively enter into discussion of existing problems and ways to actively address them.


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For citation

Chernykh A. V. Folklore Collections and Archives: Problems of Preservation and Perspectives of Development. Traditional Culture. 2022. Vol. 23. No. 2. Pp. 13–24. In Russian.