Folklore Brands of Local Tourism: Folklorism Without Folklorists

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Key words
folklore branding of territories, folklorism, local tourism, Ryazan
Natalia S. Petrova
About the Author
Наталья Сергеевна Петрова
Кандидат филологических наук, научный сотрудник Российского государственного гуманитарного университета:
Российская Федерация, 125993, г. Москва, Миусская пл., д. 6;
тел.: +7 (495) 250-69-31; e-mail:
Date of publication

This article examines the issue of the folklore branding of territories, taking as its example the project “Ryazan — ​the New Year’s Capital of Russia‑2020.” As part of the project, local notables (Ryazan Kosopuz, Avdotya Ryazanochka, Zabava Putyatishna and Evpatiy) took part in festive events. The article analyzes the reactions of visiting tourists and local residents to these events on the basis of online discussions and visitors’ reviews. The data from an “express expedition” to Ryazan in 2019 made it possible to identify historical and folkloric figures significant for Ryazan residents and was also used for comparison. The author considers the problems of “tainting the field [evidence]” and the influence of “excursion folklore” on the living tradition. She also touches upon the issue of the secondary folklorization of “fairytale” tourist sites and the possibility of considering them as part of actual urban practices.


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For citation

Petrova N. S. Folklore Brands of Local Tourism: Folklorism Without Folklorists. Traditional Culture. 2021. Vol. 22. No. 1. Pp. 76–84. In Russian.