About the Author
E-mail: dobrovolska@inbox.ru Tel.: + 7 (495) 624-25-53 8–3,
Sverchkov side-str., Moscow, 101000, Russian Federation
PhD in Philology, Head of the Sector of Intangible Cultural Heritage, Polenov State Russian House of Folk Arts
Date of publication

Review of: Yusupov F. Yu. The Siberian Tatars. From the treasury of spiritual culture: An Anthology of the Siberian Tatars’ folklore. Ed. by F. Kh. Zavgarova. Vol. II: Yamaclar —  Tales. —  Kazan: Magarif-Vakyt, 2016. 887 p.; Vol. III: Hecate. Rivayats. Myths.  Kazan: Tatar Book Publishing House, 2017. 895 p. 


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Zavgarova F. Kh. (2016) Tatarskaya volshebnaya skazka v kontekste islamskikh tsennostey [Tatar fairytales in the context of Islamic values]. In: Islam i tyurkskiy mir: Problemy obrazovaniya, yazyka, literatury, istorii, religii [Islam and the Turkic world. Problems of education, language, literature, history, religion]. Kazan. Pp. 19–22. In Russian.

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For citation

Dobrovolskaya V. E. Fairytales and non-fairytale folkloric prose of the Siberian Tatars. Review of: Yusupov F. Yu. The Siberian Tatars. From the treasury of spiritual culture: An Anthology of the Siberian Tatars’ folklore. Ed. by F. Kh. Zavgarova. Vol. II: Yamaclar — Tales. Kazan: Magarif-Vakyt, 2016. 887 p.; Vol. III: Hecate. Rivayats. Myths. Kazan: Tatar Book Publishing House, 2017. 895 p. Traditional Culture. 2019. Vol. 20. No. 1. Pp. 186–191. In Russian.