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Key words
folk-tales, tradition, individual substance of story-teller’s creativity, alien ethnic en- vironment, performance situation context
About the Author
E-mail: rufina1938@mail.ru
Ulan-Ude, Republic of Buryatia, Russian Federation
Grand PhD (Full Professor Emerita) (Philology), independent researcher

The paper is devoted to the Tunka story-teller E. I. Sorokovikov-Magay, whose cre- ative heritage has demonstrated in the most vivid form trends of oral art of narration, typical of folk story-tellers of the first half of the 20th century, during a period of great social transformations in the country. In the work special attention is paid to such aspects of Magay’s fairy tales, that are important and interesting for understanding of Russian folk tales in the context of time and environment of oral existence, especially the problem of folk performer. Another issue is related with the problem of correlation between local traditions and the all-Russian entire genre, of individual versus collective substances of folklore. The author considers fate of the classic Russian folk heritage in the case of close vital contact with alien ethnic environment. Moreover recordings from Magay allow to understand existence of the Russian fairy tale in his- torical reality, to evaluate correlation between classical fairy-tale heritage and innovative additions of the performer in recorded performances of fairy tale specimen. The author takes into consider- ation context of performance situation and in particular the very special kind of performance (in natural living conditions, i.organized speech for unfamiliar audience and aiming at recording the story by the collector of folklore or even at further publishing in books). Texts invented by Magay willfully seeking to respond ideology requirements of that time, provide transitional forms from oral folk art to literature, but they proved to be unsustainable.


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