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Key words
the Great Patriotic War 1941–1945, autobiographic oral history, personal memory, family memory, national oral history
About the Author
E-mail: asmolov.a@firo.ru
Tel.: +7 (499) 152 -73 -41
9–1, Chernyakhovskogo str., Moscow, 125319, Russian Federation
PhD (Philology), leading researcher, Center of preschool, basic, extended and remedial education, Federal Institute for Education Development of the Ministry of Education of Russian Federation

This publication presents the informants’ childhood memories about wartime of the Great Patriotic War 1941–1945. These memories represent oral autobiographical account, which is the part of contemporary non-fiction oral narrative prose that in recent years attracted professional attention of researchers from various fields of studies for humanities. Childhood memories of tipping points and dramatic stages in the life of the society could become the source for the research of historians, folklorists, anthropologists, social psychologists. From the point of view of folklore studies it is significant to reveal correlation between traditional narrative patterns and situations and individual personal experience, lived through by informants.


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