E-mail: volfs@list.ru Tel.: + 7 (495) 694-03-71
5, Kozitsky side-str., Moscow, 125375, Russian Federation
PhD in Philology, Head, Folklore and Folk Art Department, State Institute for Art Studies, Ministry of Culture, Russian Federation
Review of: Shevarenkova Y. M. Pravoslavnaya istoriya Diveevskogo kraya v predaniyakh i legendakh XX–XXI vv. [Orthodox Christian History of the Diveyevo Region in the Oral Tradition and Legends of the Twentieth and Twenty-First Centuries]. Nizhny Novgorod: Publishing House “Pedagogicheskie Tekhnologii”, 2021. — 718 p.; il. (Serya “Fol’klornoe nasledie Nizhegorodskogo kraya” [The Folklore Heritage of the Nizhny Novgorod Region]). Vol. 3: Fol’klor Diveevskogo raiona Nizhegorodskoi oblasti [Folklore of Diveyevo Region of Nizhny Novgorod District]. Part 3.
Morozov I. A., Slepzova I. S. (2019) Logika transformatsii: regional’naya i lokal’naya spetsifika kul’turnykh i yazykovykh protsessov [The Logic of Transformation: The Regional and Local Specificity of Cultural and Linguistic Processes]. Moscow: Indric. In Russian.
Putilov B. N. (1994) Fol’klor i narodnaya kul’tura [Folklore and Folk Culture]. St. Petersburg: Nauka. In Russian.
Shevarenkova Yu. M. (2023) Zhenskoe yurodstvo v istorii Serafimo-Diveevskogo monastyrya i sud’ba derevenskoi blazhennoi Anny Morozovoi [Women’s Holy Foolishness in the History of the Seraphim-Diveevo Monastery and the Destiny of the Village’s Blessed Anna Morozova]. In: Narodnaya religioznost’ v svete fol’klora: Sbornik nauchnykh statei [Folk Religiosity in the Light of Folklore: A Collection of Scholarly Articles]. Ed. by L. V. Fadeyeva and Yu. M. Shevarenkova. Moscow: State Institute for Art Studies. Pp. 62–92. In Russian
Fadeyeva L. V. Review of: Shevarenkova Y. M. Pravoslavnaya istoriya Diveevskogo kraya v predaniyakh i legendakh XX–XXI vv [Orthodox Christian History of the Diveyevo Region in the Oral Tradition and Legends of the Twentieth and Twenty-First Centuries]. Nizhny Novgorod: Publishing House “Pedagogicheskie Tekhnologii”, 2021. — 718 p.: ill. (Series “Fol’klornoe nasledie Nizhegorodskogo kraya” [The Folklore Heritage of the Nizhny Novgorod Region]). Vol. 3: Fol’klor Diveevskogo raiona Nizhegorodskoi oblasti [Folklore of Diveyevo Region of Nizhny Novgorod District]. Part 3. Traditional Culture. 2024. Vol. 25. No. 4. Pp.172–178. In Russian.