Cumulativity as a Structural Principle in I. A. Goncharov’s Essay “Fish Soup”: Toward Posing the Problem

Key words
Goncharov, folklorism, cumulativity, structure, anecdotal tale
Gulzada G. Bagautdinova
About the Author
E-mail: Tel.: +7 (8362) 68-80-02
18, Kremlyovskaya str., Kazan, 420008, Russian Federation
PhD in Philology, Doctoral student, Kazan Federal University;
1, Lenin sq., Yoshkar-Ola, 424000, Russian Federation
Associate Professor, Mari State University
Date of publication

The phenomenon of folklore in I. A. Goncharov’s works has been insufficiently studied and leaves various problems unsolved. The current article poses the problem of cumulativity as a structural principle of the writer’s poetics in his works of the 1890s. It focuses on cumulative repetitions in Goncharov’s essay “Ukha [Fish Soup]” (1891); the term “essay” is used provisionally. The author concludes that despite its bookish nature, Goncharov’s essay exhibits cumulative phenomena of the kind studied by folklorists and that one can observe its chain-like structure. Based on I. Amroyan’s methodology, the author identifies various types of cumulativity in “Fish Soup”, especially on the structural level; these include a cumulative circle; plot and compositional threading; lexical and tautological repetitions as well as syntactic ones, based on the principle of parallelism. Cumulativity is thus revealed as a conceptually significant structure-forming principle of text organization. Further, cumulative repetitions may be rhythm-forming; they occur in the text at least three times and are uniform both in their vocabulary and symmetrical structure. In addition, the study of cumulative phenomenon at the level of structure opens up new scholarly perspectives on issues such as the formation of genre.


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For citation

Bagautdinova G. G. Cumulativity as a Structural Principle in I. A. Goncharov’s Essay “Fish Soup”: Toward Posing the Problem. Traditional Culture. 2023 Vol. 24. No. 3. Pp. 37–46. In Russian.