Collectors of Folklore and Ethnographic Information (Based on Material from the “Orenburg Diocesan Vedomosti”)

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Key words
collectors, immigrants, rituals, customs, traditions, legends, superstitions, charms, Old Believers
Alexandr N. Rozov
About the Author
E-mail: Tel.: + 7 (812) 328-19-01
4, Makarov emb., St. Petersburg, 199034, Russian Federation
DSc in Cultural Studies, Professor, Leading Researcher, Institute of Russian Literature (Pushkin House), Russian Academy of Sciences
Date of publication

This article provides an overview of the folkloric and ethnographic materials collected by teachers in the Orenburg diocese (P. N. Chizhev, S. A. Konyakhin and M. Ya. Gorbushin) in the late nineteenth — ​early twentieth century and published in the journal “Orenburg Diocesan Vedomosti.” In these works the authors pay much attention to the special way of life and customs of villages with immigrants from different provinces of Russia. Describing the houses, clothing, rituals and customs of the villagers in detail, the authors note that people preserve the traditions of the places they have come from. Collectors and teachers also published information about significant changes in the peasants’ way of life after the abolition of serfdom. They also describe calendar and family holidays, the description of rituals, customs, superstitions, and spells in the Orenburg Province. Several articles are devoted to the life of Old Believers: rites at the birth of a child, weddings, and funerals. The texts of legends, ritual songs, spells, etc. are also reproduced. These materials undoubtedly deserve the attention of ethnographers, folklorists and culturologists.


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For citation

Rozov A. N. Collectors of Folklore and Ethnographic Information (Based on Material from the “Orenburg Diocesan Vedomosti”). Traditional Culture. 2021. Vol. 22. No. 3. Pp. 136–148. In Russian.