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Key words
traditional youth festival, a round dance, walking in pairs, tunes on harmonica
About the Author
E-mail: Tel.: +7 (812) 312-21-29
3, Teatral’naya sq., St. Petersburg, 190000, Russian Federation
Chief custodian of funds, A. M. Mekhnetsov Center for Folklore and Ethnography, St. Petersburg Rimsky-Korsakov State Conservatory

The article describes a set of choreographic forms of the youth festivities in the tradition appearing at the tributaries of the Shelon’ river in the territory of Porhovsk district of Pskov region. The author describes the round dance “Dunyasha” and walking in pairs in the house, which there in the local tradition has been called “Chastyokha”. Th e archival materials of the 19th —  20th centuries and records of fi eld expeditions of the second half of the 20th century — t he early 21st allow to trace the dynamics of existence of dance forms and their stylistic changes. The changes concerned the following: the songs in a round dances began to be sung to the accompaniment of the harmonica, songs when walking a pair was replaced by “chastushka” the ditty (othervwise “pripevka”) Skobarya, round dances gave way to a “plyaska” (dance solo and paired). In the fi rst third of the 20th century changes happened in the choreographic style of the female dance, which is actively borrowed choreographic language of male dance. At the same time, the forms of male choreography seem much more conservative.


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