E-mail: Tel.: +7 (8332), 74-24-71
36, Moskovskaya str., Kirov, 610000, Russian Federation
PhD (Arts), associate professor of the Department of Culture Studies and Sociology, Vyatka State University
E-mail: Tel.: +7 (3952) 24-38-75
1, Karla Marksa str., Irkutsk, 664003, Russian Federation
Grand PhD (History), professor of the Department of World History and International Relations, Irkutsk State University
The paper is devoted to the analysis of a visual source, namely a picture named “Two roads — Two wayfarings”. Its items were revealed during an expedition to the Republic of Tuva in 2016 in the Old Believer settlements. Further field studies in 2017 confirmed the popularity of folk pictures in their environment. The theme of “broad” and “narrow” ways has been discussed in different age groups of the Old Believers. The analysis of the visual source shows that growing globalization and explosive spread of the latest (electronic, satellite) technologies, dynamic development of mass media inevitably lead to the formation of a single information space, which transforms or destroys a traditional society. In spite of their declarative conservatism and attempts of isolation the Old Believers show their awareness and attitude to modern civilization. Contemporary old-believer “Lubok” picture is a unique testimony to contemporary trends in the transformation of traditional religious consciousness. The folk picture presents itself from different ideological and artistic paradigms: the old Russian tradition along with the trends of postmodernism. Combining an image with a word it appears as a single text space which is united by common themes, images and approaches to the wickedness of the world and the possibility of salvation.
As studies have shown, folk picture, followed by a sacred text and icon, offers itself as a Navigator of life strategies. Besides it reveals one’s authentic path to salvation and reflects the doctrine of the Old Believers.
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