Aristocracy and “New Nobility” in Local Folklore Discourse (Based on Materials of the Circassian Diaspora in Turkey)

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Key words
Circassians, diaspora, identity, nobility, class
Madina M. Pashtova
About the Author
Мадина Михайловна Паштова
Кандидат филологических наук, старший преподаватель кафедры черкесского языка и культуры Университета Эрджиес:
Республика Турция, г. Кайсери, Талас, ул. Ахмета Эль-Бируни, д. 91;
тел.: +90 (352) 437-93-42; e-mail:
Date of publication

One of the large centers of the Circassian (Adyghe) culture of Turkey, the Uzunyayla enclave, is located in Central Anatolia near the city of Kayseri. Its population consists mainly of representatives of aristocratic groups: Kabardians, Khatukays, as well as Abazins, who identify themselves as Adyge (Circassians). These historically belong to those communities with a well-developed social-class structure. The stereotypical oral texts that structure social class identity display a wide spectrum of genres: from “classical” folklore to one-time utterances. The sociopragmatic function of these texts has undergone transformations dictated by changes in internal social ties, the destruction of the traditional rural community, and the process of urbanization. Nowadays the social class or estate identity of Uzunyayla residents is structured by the implicit and indirect forms of representation. We may observe two parallel themes in their discourse: a) the contrast between the hereditary aristocrat and the parvenu; and b), between “blood nobility” and “new nobility.” The aim of our research is to draw attention to the folkloric and linguistic aspects of the discourse on nobility and to identify the sociopragmatic functions of the texts studied.

Field materials collected by the author during 2009–2019 are introduced into scholarly circulation for the first time. They are particularly relevant for further development of the field of local and regional studies. 


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For citation

Pashtova M. M. Aristocracy and “New Nobility” in Local Folklore Discourse (Based on Materials of the Circassian Diaspora in Turkey). Traditional Culture. 2020. Vol. 21. No. 1. Pp. 91–102. In Russian.