Anniversaries of the Great Victory: Traditions and Innovations in Celebration and the Dynamics of Public Consciousness

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Key words
Victory Day, anniversaries, traditions of celebration, innovations, processes of commemoration, public consciousness, state holiday, historical and cultural heritage, unity of the nation
Tatiana N. Zolotova
About the Author
E-mail: Tel.: +7 (3812) 28-56-02
28, Andrianova str., Omsk, 644077, Russian Federation
PhD in Ethnology, Senior Researcher and Deputy Director, Likhachev Russian Research Institute for Cultural and Natural Heritage, Siberian Branch
Date of publication

This article examines the Soviet and post-Soviet tradition of Victory Day celebrations and analyzes their role in modern Russian socio-cultural space. It is based on materials from the Omsk Region, including the results of surveys, data from the mass media and official sources, as well as the author’s personal observations. The author describes the central place of Victory Day in the modern holiday calendar and its important role in uniting the Russian nation by memorializing a common historical past. The author considers the role of the holiday in preserving traditional values and meanings, and describes the regional features of the celebration and the processes of commemoration as shaped by various historical, economic, political, and socio-cultural factors. The celebration of the 70th and 75th post-Soviet anniversaries of the victory reflected a positive change in public consciousness that was manifested in greater interest in the historical heritage, an increased sense of gratitude toward veterans and pride in their accomplishment, and an awareness of everyone’s involvement in the historical events of the country’s glorious past. Victory Day, performing the main functions of a holiday, supports the continuity of tradition, unites various social groups, and promotes patriotism and respect for the historical and cultural heritage.


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For citation

Zolotova T. N. Anniversaries of the Great Victory: Traditions and Innovations in Celebration and the Dynamics of Public Consciousness. Traditional Culture. 2021. Vol. 22. No. 2. Pp. 40–55. In Russian.