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Key words
folklore, amateur collectors, A. V. Markov
About the Author
Tel.: +7 (495) 678-43-63
44, building 2, Vavilova str., Moscow, 119333, Russian Federation
PhD (Physics and Mathematics), leading researcher of The Institute of Informatics Problems
of Federal Research Center “Computer Science and Control”, Russian Academy of Sciences

This material includes letters of amateur folklorists of the early 20th century (E. N. Kosvintsev, A. P. Goryainova, A. F. Aleksandrov and A. F. Piscinas) addressed to the outstanding Russian folklorist V. A. Markov. Non-professional folklore collectors were involved in the researches of that period thanks to a wide network of scholarly and educational societies and made their contribution to the study of the vanishing folk culture. Professionals (including A. V. Markov) also belonged to such societies and largely helped their fellow amateur folklorists. Letters we publish not only tell about the features of the folk art collecting process, but also convey the unique cultural atmosphere of Russia at the beginning of XX century.


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Aleksandrov A.F. (1911) Gramotnost’ i p’yanstvo v Pomor’e [Literacy and drunkenness in Pomorye region]. Izvestiya Arkhangel’skogo obshchestva izucheniya Russkogo Severa [Bulletin of the Archeological Society for Russian North Research]. 1911. No. 8–9. Pp. 687–695. In Russian.

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Goryainova A.P. (1911) Pesni, sobrannye v s. Vyshnem Reuttse i prilegayushchikh derevnyakh Oboyanskogo uezda [Songs collected in the village of Vyshniy Reuttse and surrounding villages of the Oboyanskiy county]. Trudy Kurskoy gubernskoy uchenoy arkhivnoy komissii [Studies of the Kursk Provincial Scientific Archival Commission]. Vol. 1. Kursk. Pp. 250–273. In Russian.

Markov A.V. (1899) Byliny, zapisannye E.N. Kosvintsevym v Permskoy gubernii [Bylina epic recorded by E.N. Kosvintsev in the Perm' province]. Etnograficheskoe obozrenie [Ethnographic review]. 1899. No. 4. Pp. 87–94. In Russian.

Markov A.V. (1914) Otnosheniya mezhdu russkimi i mordvoyu v istorii i v oblasti narodnoy poezii, v svyazi s voprosom o proiskhozhdenii velikorusskogo plemeni [Relations between the Russians and the Mordovians in the history and in the folk poetry, in connection with the issue of the Great Russian tribe origin]. Tiflis. In Russian.

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