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Key words
A. L. Maslov, musical ethnography, folk song, research method, cultural studies in ethnomusicology
About the Author
E-mail: Tel.: + 7 (4862) 41-61-91
15, Leskova str., Orel, 302020, Russian Federation
Grand PhD (Cultural Studies), PhD (Arts), professor of music theory and history, Orel State Institute of Culture

This paper is devoted to A. L. Maslov —  a musical ethnographer of the late 19th —  the early 20th century, a folklorist, a teacher. Biographical information on main studies of the researcher are presented. Th e focus is on the analysis of Maslov’s contribution to the history of musical ethnography. His research on general issues of the analysis of folk music and separate music genres (bylina epics, spiritual verses) indicates development of research bases of musical ethnography. Many of them have not lost their relevance today. Along with traditional problems of musical folklore studies, associated with the analysis of the correlation between music and poetry in various genres of folk music, dealing with folk music in the context of folk life, Maslov raises a number of issues that can be attributed to the category of methodology and cultural study aspects of ethnomusicology. This, in particular, are problems of complex analysis of folk songs, synthesizing the cultural-historical, ethnographic and musicological approaches; issues of intercultural interaction in folk music; the problem of preservation of folk music in terms of civilization transformations, including the dichotomy of “a composer and folklore”; the idea of the stratifi cation of the folk music culture; the need of comprehension of the specifi cs of folk musical thinking. The conclusion is made that in the early 20th century A. L. Maslov expressed a lot of bold, progressive ideas that were further developed in the national musical ethnography.


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