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Key words
calendar holidays terms, inner form, motivation characteristic, semantic structure of words
About the Author
E-mail: juli_il@rambler.ru
Tel.: +7 (8212)39-03-97
55, Oktyabr’skiy av., Syktyvkar, 167000, Komi Republic, Russian Federation
PhD (Philology), associate professor, Department of Russian and Common Philology, Syktyvkar
State University named after Pitirim Sorokin

The article describes the lexemes that define “old” holidays of Ust,-Tsil,ma national calendar when a prohibition to work on these days exists. There are several local adjectives to name such calendar holidays in Pechora dialects, such as “pritchevye, pritchlivye, pritchlivatye, pritchevatye, pritochlivye, prikoslivye” (with semantics of poking, touching, squint glaze), “potrus(sh)livye” (with semantics of jittering), “ovetnye” (with semantics of promising). Each of these lexemes has a vivid inner form and implements its own characteristic model of the holidays. The radix base of words “pritochlivyy” and “prikoslivyy” contains an idea that human is impacted by external powers through physical touch (poking) or a glance by evil (“squint”) eye. As a result, the dialect adjectives related with given holidays establish an internal connection between a negative event (specifically an accident) and the period in the annual calendar cycle when misfortune might befall. Ways of human response to the accident that happened on a holiday are expressed in the internal form of lexemes “potrus(sh)livye” and “ovetnyy”. Inner form of the “potrushlivyy” adjective, that is derived from the verb (jittering with fear) and related with the noun denoting a coward, describes a sort of emotional reaction of a person, feared with the accident that has been once experienced and thus possible to reoccur. “Ovetnyy” adjective’s inner form reflects the rational reaction: a person promises to refuse to work on holidays (hoping to avoid possible accidents). Principle of naming calendar holidays in Pechora dialects can be conceived roughly as a causeeffect chain. The case that has led to injury on this day may be explained through influence of external negative effects of touching (poking) or evil glance. Response reaction to it is manifested in fear of a possible accident, that might happen on this day, is reflected in the inner form of“potrushlivyy”. Refusal of working is reflected is strengthened with the promise semantics of the adjective “ovetnyy”, that is derived from “ovet” (“obet” in codified Russian).


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