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Key words
fairy-tale, stepdaughter, stepmother, female text, female practices
About the Author
E-mail: etnograd@mail.ru
Тel.: +7 (812) 571-29-47
2 “A”, Glinki str., St. Petersburg, 190000, Russian Federation
Leading expert, Center of Folklore and Ethnography named after A.M. Mekhnetsov, St. Petersburg
State Conservatory named after N.A. Rimskiy-Korsakov

The variants of East-Slavic tales with a plot of the persecuted stepdaughter presented in publications of the 19 th — the beginning of the 21 st century are considered in this article. Behavior models of fairy-tale characters are analyzed from positions of gender studies. Author’s attention is focused on challenges of the heroine in the sphere of household practices which in ethnic culture, as a rule, were under control of women (production /decoration of cloth and textile items, dairy cattle breeding, gardening, olericulture and poultry farming). The folk-tale is considered as one of the sources used in cultural tradition for programming (codi- fication) of a social order. Ethnographic data allow to trace connection of the considered folklore texts with standards of the peasant customary law and also daily and ritual practices fixed in the culture of East Slavs.


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